Just learning and need help with arguments.

James Zwiers macabail at shaw.ca
Sun Feb 24 07:16:11 UTC 2002

At 23:14 2002/02/23, you wrote:

>James Zwiers wrote:
> >
> > Can anyone tell me how to get multiple arguments on a method, or if it
> > is even possible?
>Did you try the tutorials at http://squeak.org/documentation/index.html

I looked through some and couldn't find anything, but thanks.

>Wolfgang Kreutzer's tutorial might be the right thing for you.
I'll look at that one again.

>But, to answer your question:
>Squeak has only a few different kinds of messages:
>unary, no argument, just the message (like "array size")
>binary like + - etc where the second object is the argument (like in
>"3+4" )
>these are the ones you are asking about
>array at: 1
>array at: 1 put: 2
>Array with: 1 with: 2 with: 3 with: 4
>You define the messages in the browser like in the following examples:
>at: aKey put: aValue
>         "do something interesting here"
>with: arg1 with: arg2
>         "do something interesting here"

James Z.

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