Getting rid of metaclasses (Was: Behaviors vs Modules)

Jim Benson jb at
Wed Feb 27 02:37:44 UTC 2002


I've been using a previous version of your code for awhile now, and have
found it invaluable. I've found it especially useful for UI debugging, as it
seems the only sane way to try to figure out where the mouse clicks and
motions are *really* going in the multi-layered morphic world.



> A while ago I started to work on AspectS, an environment to explore
> aspect-oriented programming (AOP) in dynamic systems like Squeak
> (
> AspectS can also be used to implement roles/perspectives. One of the
> differences between mixins/MI and aspects is that instead of letting
> a set of classes decide from where to inherit additional behavior,
> the aspect is responsible for adjusting existing behavior in or
> distributing additional behavior to target objects. It is just the
> other way around. Aspect instances in AspectS are regular objects
> that can change the behavior of objects in the image (all instances
> of a class or just specific ones) and revert the effects they caused
> anytime needed.
> I've updated a paper that describes AspectS in more detail:
> At
> there are a change set and a pre-loaded image that might better explain
> what I've tried to describe in the paper...
> Best,
> -Robert

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