How do you print?

Jeff Bowman jeff at
Thu Feb 28 19:52:59 UTC 2002


I'm pretty new to squeak and smalltalk.  Been at it for about 5-6
weeks now.  I'm writing an application for a friend of mine, and I
need to be able to print to a printer. The printer is most likely not
a postscript printer, and it is most likely on a Windows computer (I
happen to use Linux:) I can't find anything like a PrintStream or
other object which would encapsulate printing to a printer.

I have text (no graphcs at the moment but there will be in the future)
to print which I can format as I like. I need to be able to create a
button that says 'Print' the user can press and get a report.

I've tried browsing and searching for print, printer, printing on the
swiki, but no luck so far.

Can someone help me?

wolfb at

BTW, the code I have so far is at if you
have the squeak plugin for your browser, or can be filed in if you
don't have the plugin working in your environment.

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