[VM}[WIN][VMMAKER] Does a VMMaker for Windows exist?

Rob Withers rwithers12 at mediaone.net
Sun Jan 13 20:41:41 UTC 2002

Hi Andreas and Tim, I am looking for a Win32VMMaker and a Makefile that 
would allow me to build having generated files from VMMaker.    There is no 
use of mkMake or mkfrags on windows it seems.

I am using all of your recommended tools, and I was able to compile based 
on your Alpha5 code, with all internal.  I have been able to generate, with 
VMMaker, and compile up to Squeak.exe linking step, using all internal 
modules and my own hacked copy of Makefile.mingw32  to support the new 
directory structure.  At the link step, I am missing or double defining 
certain file primitive definitions and it can't resolve (ftello) and 
friends.  This is a result of my hacking the Makefile and I'm not that 
experienced at Makefiles.   I also had the off_t and size_t  not defined 
problems in sq.h   I added those defines to sq.h.

I am including that makefile, if you have a chance to look at it.

-------------- next part --------------
# Makefile for Win32 Squeak using gcc-2.95.2 and MingW32
### TARGETS (default target is `all')
# 	all		- build `squeak' and `modules'
#	install		- build `squeak_install' and `modules_install'
#	uninstall	- undo the effects of `install'
#	squeak		- build squeak only
#	squeak_install	- install squeak in ${bindir}/
#	modules		- build all modules
#	modules_install	- install modules in ${libdir}/squeak${VERSION}/

# Default locations
BLDDIR= build

# Default targets
VM=	Squeak.exe

# VM definitions
VMDEF=	Squeak.def
VMEXP=	Squeak.exp
VMLIB=	Squeak.lib
VMRES=	Squeak.res
VMDEFIN=	Squeak.def.in

# Generic VM source file definitions
VMSRC= $(notdir $(wildcard $(VMDIR)/*.c)) gnu-interp.c
VMOBJ:=	$(VMSRC:.c=.o)
VMOBJ:=	$(filter-out interp.o, $(VMOBJ))

# sqWin32FilePrims.o  Mpeg3Plugin.o sqOpenGLRenderer.o

.PRECIOUS: gnu-interp.c 

# DirectX definitions
DXDIR= c:/dx7sdk/include

# Plugin (DLL) file definitions

# DLLDIR is set through makefile invokation
DLLDIR = $(SRCDIR)/plugins
DLLOBJ = $(notdir $(subst .c,.o, $(wildcard $(DLLDIR)/*.c))) \
	  $(notdir $(subst .cc,.o, $(wildcard $(DLLDIR)/*.cc))) \
	  $(notdir $(subst .ccg,.o, $(wildcard $(DLLDIR)/*.ccg)))
# DLLOBJ = $(DLLSRC:.c=.o) $(DLLSRC:.cc=.o)
DLLOBJ := $(filter-out sqMac% sqUnix% %-ppc.o, $(DLLOBJ))

# What object files do we need?

# Where go the intermediate files?

# And where to look for files?

# C compiler settings (for egcs-1.1.2)
CC=		gcc
CXX=		g++
CFLAGS=		-g -mpentium -mwindows -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -fschedule-insns2
CXXFLAGS= $(CFLAGS) -felide-constructors
INCS=		-I. -I$(SRCDIR) -I$(VMDIR) -I$(DXDIR) -I$(DLLDIR)/FilePlugin -I$(DLLDIR)/SocketPlugin $(XINC)
MD=			mkdir

# Linker settings
# Note: I had to use 'gcc' instead of 'ld' to prevent unresolved symbols
#       The switch '-mwindows' gives us a GUI app instead of a console app.
LD=			gcc
LDFLAGS=	-mwindows
STDLIBS=	-lddraw -lopengl32 -lwsock32 -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -lwinmm -luser32 -lgdi32 -lkernel32
CRTLIB =	-lcrtdll

# AWK settings
# Note: AWK is only necessary for building gnu-interp.c
AWK=		gawk

# DLL settings
# Note: DLLTOOL/DLLWRAP does the work for everything related to plugins
DLLTOOL=	dlltool
DLLWRAP=	dllwrap

# RC settings
# Note: RC compiles the .rc files into linkable .o files
#       !!!WARNING!!! windres can break if you have MacAfee VShield running!!!
RC=			windres
RCFLAGS=	--include-dir $(SRCDIR)

.SUFFIXES:	.ccg .cc .c .o .s .i .rc .res .cg .hg .ccg

all:	$(VM) $(PLUGINS)

# Compiling Squeak itself
#  Mpeg3Plugin.o sqOpenGLRenderer.o sqWin32FilePrims.o 

$(VM):	$(ALLOBJ) $(VMEXP) resource.o
		$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$(VM) $(addprefix $(VMOUTDIR)/,$(ALLOBJ)) $(VMOUTDIR)/$(VMEXP) $(VMOUTDIR)/resource.o $(LIBS)
		strip --strip-all $(VMOUTDIR)/$(VM)

# The exports for named primitives from Squeak (required by VM)
		$(DLLTOOL) --input-def $(VMDEFIN) --output-def $(VMOUTDIR)/$(VMDEF) --output-exp $(VMOUTDIR)/$(VMEXP) --output-lib $(VMOUTDIR)/$(VMLIB) $(addprefix $(VMOUTDIR)/,$(ALLOBJ))

# Building plugins


	$(MD) Release

%.dll:	assureReleaseDir
		$(MD) Release\\$*
		$(MAKE) -C ../$* -f ../win32/Makefile.mingw32 DLLDIR=$* DLLNAME=$*.dll DLL XDEFS=-DSTANDALONE
		$(DLLTOOL) --output-def $(OUTDIR)/$*/$*.def --output-exp $(OUTDIR)/$*/$*.exp --output-lib $(OUTDIR)/$*/$*.lib $(OUTDIR)/$*/*.o
		$(DLLWRAP) -mwindows -def $(OUTDIR)/$*/$*.def -o $(OUTDIR)/$*.dll $(LIBS) $(OUTDIR)/$*/*.o $(OUTDIR)/$*/$*.exp
		strip --strip-all $(OUTDIR)/$*.dll

# Rules for automated builds

		$(CC) -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$@ $(CFLAGS) -I$(VMDIR)/libmpeg -I$(DLLDIR)/Mpeg3Plugin -I$(VMDIR)/libmpeg/audio -I$(VMDIR)/libmpeg/video $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

		$(CC) -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$@ $(CFLAGS) -ID:/GNUTools/i386-mingw32/include/GL $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

		$(CC) -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$@ $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

		$(CXX) -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$@ $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

		$(CC) -S -o $@ -fverbose-asm -Wa,ah $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

		$(CXX) -S -o $@ -fverbose-asm -Wa,ah $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

		$(CC) -E -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) $(DEFS) -c $<

gnu-%.c:	%.c
		$(AWK) -f $(SRCDIR)/gnuify $< > $@

		$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -i $< -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$@

resource.o:	$(VMRES)
		$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -i $(VMOUTDIR)/$< -o $(VMOUTDIR)/$@

	$(CCG) -n -o $@ $<

	$(CCG) -n -o $@ $<

	$(CCG) -n -o $@ $<

# Extra specific dependencies

sqNamedPrims.o:	sqNamedPrims.c sqNamedPrims.h platform.exports

gnu-interp.c: interp.c gnuify

Mpeg3Plugin.o:	Mpeg3Plugin.c

sqOpenGLRenderer.o:	sqOpenGLRenderer.c

### housekeeping
	@echo ------------------------------------------------------
	@echo Please delete all files from the "$(OUTDIR)" directory
	@echo ------------------------------------------------------

# Generic Win32 support file definitions
#WINDIR=	$(SRCDIR)/win32
#WINSRC= $(notdir $(wildcard $(WINDIR)/sqWin32*.c))
#WINOBJ=	$(WINSRC:.c=.o)

# Specific Win32 support file definitions
#WIN95DIR= $(WINDIR)/Win95
#WIN95SRC= $(notdir $(wildcard $(WIN95DIR)/sqWin32*.c))
#WIN95OBJ= $(WIN95SRC:.c=.o)

# The Squeak plugin
#NPSRC= $(notdir $(wildcard $(NPDIR)/*.c))
#NPOBJ:=		$(NPSRC:.c=.o) NPRes.o
#NPINC = $(NPDIR)/include
# CCG definitions
# Note: CCGINCDIR is a phony entry since CCG makes includes based on
#       include <ccg/asm-i386.h> so we have to make it find that.
#CCGDIR = $(SRCDIR)/../ccg
#CCG=		$(WINDIR)/utils/ccg.exe
# The Squeak plugin
#NPSqueak.dll: assureReleaseDir
#	$(MD) Release\\NPSqueak
#	$(MAKE) -f Makefile.mingw32 DLLDIR=NPSqueak $(NPOBJ)
#	$(DLLWRAP) -mwindows -def NPSqueak/NPSqueak.def -o $(OUTDIR)/NPSqueak.dll $(STDLIBS) $(OUTDIR)/NPSqueak/*.o
#	strip --strip-all $(OUTDIR)/NPSqueak.dll
#NPRes.o: NPSqueak.rc
#	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -i $< -o $(OUTDIR)/$@
#	$(MD) Release\\NPSqueak
#	$(MAKE) -f Makefile.mingw32 DLLDIR=NPSqueak $(NPOBJ) XDEFS=-DSQUEAKLAND
#	$(DLLWRAP) -mwindows -def NPSqueak/NPSqueak.def -o $(OUTDIR)/NPSqueakLand.dll $(LIBS) $(OUTDIR)/NPSqueak/*.o
#	strip --strip-all $(OUTDIR)/NPSqueakLand.dll

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