Integrating the RegisteringFileList

Lex Spoon lex at
Tue Jan 22 19:55:00 UTC 2002

> > On the other hand, there are other patterns that can be used in differen
> > situations.  For example, why could not the String>>asX methods be
> > String:>>as: X, instead?  Something like: ^X class fromString: self.  Now we
> > don't have to pollute String.
> exact. I think that we have to define a core of classes that interact each
> others. For those there is no probblem to use asX.  Then for the others we
> should not use asURL in String ;)
> It would be better to have URL fromString: aString.

This exact debate is raging on comp.lang.smalltalk.  It's quite polar:
either you think it's horrible, or you think "so what?".  There are
respectable people in each camp.

The difference is mostly, it seems to me, about where people think the
module boundaries are.  Much of the horror about #asUrl seems to be
about polluting the String module with non-String stuff.  Much of the
"so what" seems to be about #asUrl *not* being in the String module.


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