[modules] Important: class re/definitions in change sets and updates

Henrik Gedenryd h.gedenryd at open.ac.uk
Thu Jan 31 19:18:56 UTC 2002

Dan Ingalls wrote:

> Apparently some of the new updates after modules have had their classes
> strangely classified.  I say this because if you do a 'find...' in the left
> pane of a browser, they do not seem to be findable, even though they appear at
> the bottom of the leftmost pane.

Ok, the updates got out so fast I didn't have the time to say this in

There are now multiple name spaces, one per module.

So an important thing to keep in mind is that in subsequent change sets and
especially updates, system categories in class definitions *have to* agree
with that of the existing class, or a second class will be added in the
module specified by the category. (Harvesters, in particular, keep this in

Since system categories are simulated from module path names, classes will
be placed in *exactly* the module specified in the category of a class
definition--even if the module doesn't exist. This is for reasonable
backward compatibility.

So, new classes will be placed there obviously. But, for an existing class
in a certain module, a *new class* will be created from the new class (re-)
definition if it specifies a different module. This is not a bug, it is
because every module has its own name space.

One could circumvent this by ignoring the category for any class already
present under #(Squeak), but I don't think this would be a good thing, all
things considered.

> Do you know how to
> fix this so they can be found?


> and/or warn so it doesn't happen in the future?

Umm, there is a warning for reusing class names, but they are suppressed
during fileIn... suggestions?

> write an update with code that will repair existing cases?


Finally, a warning: There are now (and have been) coming out updates that
refactor the image. This should always be done on a non-modified, standard

If there are classes in improper places (ie. badly placed modules), they are
in danger during refactoring. There is code to prevent this, but there are
no guarantess that this will always work (although I don't see why it should


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.3alpha of 30 January 2002 [latest update: #4730] on 31 January 2002 at 6:31:39 pm'!
"Change Set:		firstModuleFixes-hg
Date:			31 January 2002
Author:			Henrik Gedenryd

Some quick fixes to make module unloading work better. 

Moving some classes that were sent to the wrong places due to bad category strings. "!

ModuleRefactorer subclass: #FromVersion0p0003to0004
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	module: #(Squeak Language Modules Refactorings)!

!Browser methodsFor: 'system category functions' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 18:28'!
	"Search for a class by name."
	| pattern foundClass classNames index toMatch exactMatch potentialClassNames |

	self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self classNotFound].
	pattern _ FillInTheBlank request: 'Class name or fragment?'.
	pattern isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self classNotFound].
	toMatch _ (pattern copyWithout: $.) asLowercase.
	potentialClassNames _ self potentialClassNames asOrderedCollection.
	classNames _ pattern last = $. 
		ifTrue: [potentialClassNames select:
					[:nm |  nm asLowercase = toMatch]]
		ifFalse: [potentialClassNames select: 
					[:n | n includesSubstring: toMatch caseSensitive: false]].
	classNames isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self classNotFound].
	exactMatch _ classNames detect: [:each | each asLowercase = toMatch] ifNone: [nil].

	index _ classNames size = 1
		ifTrue:	[1]
		ifFalse:	[exactMatch
			ifNil: [(PopUpMenu labelArray: classNames lines: #()) startUp]
			ifNotNil: [classNames addFirst: exactMatch.
				(PopUpMenu labelArray: classNames lines: #(1)) startUp]].
	index = 0 ifTrue: [^ self classNotFound].
	foundClass _ 
		Module root allDefinitionsFor: (classNames at: index) asSymbol 
			onlyExported: false detect: [:value :module | value isBehavior].
 	self selectCategoryForClass: foundClass.
	self selectClass: foundClass
! !

!ClassDescription methodsFor: 'fileIn/Out' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:33'!
definitionST80: isST80
	"Answer a String that defines the receiver."

	| aStream path |
	isST80 ifTrue: [^ self definitionST80].

	aStream _ WriteStream on: (String new: 300).
	superclass == nil
		ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'nil']
		ifFalse: [
			path _ 	Preferences strongModules 
						ifTrue: [(self module qualifiedPrefixForName: superclass name andValue: superclass), ' ']
						ifFalse: [''].
				aStream nextPutAll: path , superclass name].
	aStream nextPutKeyword: self kindOfSubclass
			withArg: self name.
	aStream cr; tab; nextPutKeyword: 'instanceVariableNames: '
			withArg: self instanceVariablesString.
	aStream cr; tab; nextPutKeyword: 'classVariableNames: 'withArg: self classVariablesString.
	Preferences modularClassDefinitions 
		ifFalse: [
			aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: 'poolDictionaries: ';
					store: self sharedPoolsString.
			aStream cr; tab; nextPutAll: 'category: ';
					store: self module simulatedCategory asString]
		ifTrue: [
			aStream cr; tab; 
			nextPutAll: 'module: ', self module path literalPrintString].
	^ aStream contents! !

!Module methodsFor: 'system conversion' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 10:09'!
declareExternalRefsForSelector: selector inClass: aClass
	"for all unresolved globals in the method of the given selector and class, declare the global's defining module as one of my external modules"

	| varName definingModule cm lits isDefined |

	cm _ aClass compiledMethodAt: selector.
	lits _ cm literals.
	lits do: [:lit | 
		lit isVariableBinding ifTrue: [
			varName _ (lit value isKindOf: Metaclass) 
				ifFalse: [lit key] ifTrue: [lit value theNonMetaClass name].
			isDefined _ 
				self definesName: varName 
					usingScheme: self weakOrStrongBindingScheme 
					withCache: OutOfScopeCache ifTrue: [:a | ].
			(isDefined or: [lit value == aClass]) ifFalse: [
				definingModule _ Module root moduleDefining: varName.
				definingModule ifNotNil: [
					"ensure that defining module exports it"
					"definingModule exportName: varName."

					self ensureExternalModule: definingModule]]]]
! !

!ModuleInstaller methodsFor: 'graph computation' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 10:21'!
orderWithinCompositeFor: modules

	| dependencies |
	dependencies _ 
		modules asSet collect: [:mod | 
			mod -> 
				((self allModulesNeededBy: mod exceptForNeedsOf: modules)
					copyWithoutAll: mod deepSubmodules)].
	^self modules: modules inDependencyOrderFrom: dependencies! !

!ModuleInstaller methodsFor: '(un)loading' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 10:48'!
unloadModule: module
	"Remove module from the image. This ought to be as easy as removing from parent, but it ain't for compatibility reasons"

	self deactivateModules: module deepSubAndDeltaModules.
	module deepSubmodulesBottomUpDo: [:mod | 
		mod cleanOutModule.
		mod parentModule removeNeighborModule: mod]! !

!ModuleInstaller methodsFor: 'utilities' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 15:22'!
ensureNoUsersOf: modules
	"safeness is defined as no other loaded modules depending on the given modules, i.e. declaring any of them as an external module."

	| allNeededModules unsafeToUnload |
	allNeededModules _ self allModulesNeededBy: Module root exceptForNeedsOf: modules.
	unsafeToUnload _ allNeededModules intersection: modules.
	unsafeToUnload isEmpty ifFalse: [
		unsafeToUnload do: [:mod |
			self note: '>> Module ', mod pathAsMessages, ' is used by other modules.'].
		self notify: unsafeToUnload size printString, ' modules are used by other modules. Deactivating or unloading them may crash the system.'].
! !

!ModuleRefactorer methodsFor: 'versions' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:54'!
	"simple default: just increment the version for #(Squeak), ie. the version of the Squeak standard class library"
	(Module squeak version closeTo: self fromVersion) ifFalse: [
		self error: 'These refactorings should only be applied to version ', self fromVersion printString, ' of the Squeak modules'].! !

!ModuleRefactorer methodsFor: 'public' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:55'!
	"Trigger the whole set of refactorings in this class."

	self ensurePrerequisiteVersions.

	self class module repository useChangeSetNamed: self class name, ' Reorganization' during: [ 
		self moveGlobalsToModules.
		self installModuleDeclarations.
		self refactorClasses.
		self convertPools.
		self removeModules.
		self installRepositories.
		self incrementVersions.
		Preferences strongModules 
			ifTrue: [Module root rewriteIndirectRefs].

! !

!ModuleRefactorer methodsFor: 'moving modules' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:42'!
	"For each module, list pairs of its path before and after moving it."
	^#()! !

!FromVersion0p0003to0004 methodsFor: 'moving definitions' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 18:31'!
	"return a list of paths to modules to remove"

		#(Squeak Media MPEG)
		#(SUnit) )! !

!FromVersion0p0003to0004 methodsFor: 'moving definitions' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:56'!
	"For each module, list pairs of its path before and after moving it."
	^#(#(Temporary Movies) #(Squeak Media Movies)
		#(Squeak Media Movies Kernel) #(Squeak Media Movies Core)
		#(Kernel Numbers) #(Squeak Language Core Tests)
		#(TestBalloonFont) 	#(Squeak Morphic Tests)
		#(Collections SequenceableTest) #(Squeak Language Collections Tests))! !

!FromVersion0p0003to0004 methodsFor: 'moving definitions' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:57'!

	self transferBindingsNamedIn: 
		from: Module @ #(SUnit Tests) 
		to: Module @ #(Squeak Development Test SUnit Tests).

	self transferBindingsNamedIn: 
		from: Module @ #(Collections Streams) 
		to: Module @ #(Squeak Language Collections Tests).
! !

!FromVersion0p0003to0004 methodsFor: 'versions' stamp: 'hg 1/31/2002 17:52'!
	"return the version of the Squeak hierarchy to start with"

	^0.0003! !


FromVersion0p0003to0004 run.!

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