Balloon3D problem

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at
Tue Jul 2 18:06:05 UTC 2002

David Duke wrote:

> I'm still having the segmentation fault; although I can now at least
> look more closely at what is going on, I would still be grateful for any
> suggestions.

I filed in your B3DCone class and changed one line in 
	| sceneObj camera |
	sceneObj _ B3DSceneObject named: 'Sample Cube'.
	sceneObj geometry: (B3DCone radius: 1.0 height: 2.0).
	camera _ B3DCamera new.
	camera position: 0 at 0@-1.5.
	self extent: 100 at 100.
	scene _ B3DScene new.
	scene defaultCamera: camera.
	scene objects add: sceneObj.

This gave me a very strange looking 3d object, but no segment fault.

This was on a macintosh  in squeak 3.2


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