New version

Ned Konz ned at
Fri Jul 12 14:00:19 UTC 2002

On Friday 12 July 2002 06:41 am, I wrote:
> On Thursday 11 July 2002 11:26 pm, Michael Rueger wrote:
> > - web site should render ok in most browsers. Please let me know
> > if anything is broken in your browser (most often an offset in
> > the menu roll-over)
> If by this you mean the Squeakland web site:
> * I see a missing picture in the upper left hand corner in Scamper
> * when I use Konqueror I see the "oops, the web server encountered
> an error" page.
> * in Mozilla I don't see the colored stripes in the menu

And in Konqueror I can get varied but amusing defects in the menu 
roll-over by changing my browser User-Agent string to look like 
IE5.5/win or IE5.5/Mac.

Is it really that difficult to get rollovers to work across browsers?
Ned Konz

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