Restricting the scope for the compiler?

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at
Tue Jul 16 21:34:43 UTC 2002

Tim Rowledge <tim at> wrote:
> I think I'm correct in suggesting that both aspects could be improved by
> implementing a prim to run a method without having to install it in a
> method dictionary. I _thought_ I'd seen such a prim somewhere, but it
> isn't anywhere I've looked so far.
> I'll happily write such a prim, but not if somebody else already has; I
> hate redundant duplication unnecessarily repeated..

VI4 (BC) has such a prim.  Actually, it just uses the block #value prim.
 The do-it method is wrapped in a BlockClosure and then executed.

By the way, I will be coming out with a simplified compiler and
decompiler for VI4, probably next week.  I said I was going to release
this by the end of June.  Sorry its late.


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