Unwanted instances in the 3.2 image

Norton, Chris chrisn at Kronos.com
Fri Jul 19 18:48:19 UTC 2002

Richard O'Keefe pointed out that there are many instances of the Preferences
class hanging around in the 3.2 distribution image.  I thought it might be
nice to see what other instances were hanging around in my image, so I wrote
a little script to find out what's in there.  Mayhap this can help you
sanitize your images.  :-)

I imagine that a similar script to find memory hogs would also be useful
(i.e. find the sizes of the various instances to see which instances are
taking up all of your memory).


---==> Chris

"Find all classes that have 100 or more instances..."

| aClass granularity numInstances |
granularity _ 99.
Smalltalk keys asSortedCollection do: [:each | 
	aClass _ Smalltalk at: each.
	(aClass isKindOf: Class)
		ifTrue: [
			((numInstances _ aClass allInstances size) >
				ifTrue: [
						show: aClass printString;
						show: ' ';
						show: numInstances
						cr ]]].

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