Question about GC and debugger

Diego Coronel dcoronel at
Wed Jul 24 00:35:02 UTC 2002

I'm trying to create a large amount of objects in Squeak but I always have
perfomance problems, that I suspect are related to GC. I have asked
something similar before, but I can figure out how to solve this problem.


col := OrderedCollection new: 1000000.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
MessageTally spyOn: [1000000 timesRepeat: [col add: (Object new)]]

 - 6144 tallies, 102258 msec.

99.2% {101440ms} primitives
99.2% {101440ms} UndefinedObject>>DoIt

	old			+7,983,464 bytes
	young		+17,376 bytes
	used		+8,000,840 bytes
	free		-48,920 bytes

	full			2 totalling 6,903ms (7.0% uptime), avg 3452.0ms
	incr		534 totalling 91,007ms (89.0% uptime), avg 170.0ms
	tenures		251 (avg 2 GCs/tenure)
	root table	0 overflows

Question: Does it means that Squeak is spending 89%+7% garbage

Thank you for any idea.

Diego Coronel

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