Taking the world!

Martin Drautzburg martin.drautzburg at web.de
Sun Jul 28 23:01:55 UTC 2002

Diego Gomez Deck <DiegoGomezDeck at ConsultAr.com> writes:

> Hi,
> With the 3.2 version on the road we can publish in slashdot, freshmet, etc 
> and take the world for us!  :-P

Absolutely. What smalltalk needs the most is press coverage. A good
scandal would be nice, sex and crime, security alerts, hot fixes, a
new smalltalk virus, managers facing court. Nobody wants to listen to
the "smalltalk is better" mantra, as true as it is.

I believe for slashdot you need an original article to point to. I
made two submissions about smalltalk so far but they posted neither of

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