Accessing Morphs as objects

Geza Lakner MD geza67 at
Fri Jun 7 20:07:29 UTC 2002

Hello Ned!

> Now drop a Morph on the Workspace. Three things happen:
> * The morph slides back to where it was
Well, it was "nowhere" before thus it slides back there ;-) Is the
only way to have it reappear by esecuting 'name openInWorld' ? It
would be a bit tedious to drag out each form control structure and
then type this command over and again...

> * a binding gets created between a generated name and the Morph
> * the name gets pasted into the Workspace as text.
Thanx! It works!

>> Or do you drop GUI editing entirely and return the class-based
>> classical method to create a dialog box textually, by hand?
> *I* usually just do it by hand.

> just reads dropped Morphs and writes the appropriate methods in a
> class definition.
Well, I thought would be the only way ;-) , see C-Builder, Delphi and
so on... Although Smalltalk has very interactive environment, seamless
GUI building seems not to be its strength.

Thank you, I've downloaded it right away.

> than you'd expect: scripted actions don't end up in the Morph class,
> but in a Player subclass with a unique name. The Morph then points to 
That's sad - thus it is not a 2-way tool :-(

> It was intended as an educational tool that would let kids build 
> simulations (I think; it's best to refer to the "official" sources 
It justifies that Squeak's graphic (appearance) defaults are quite
cartoon-like, not so streamlined for current 3D GUI practices
(textures, shading, 3D beveling stc.).

> write a more conventional GUI atop (it would, and has). Just that
> this isn't provided for "out of the box".
Thank you again for your precious time and your advice.

Best wishes:

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