[BC][VI4] Forked Squeak version

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at cornell.edu
Tue Jun 11 18:02:42 UTC 2002

Hello all,
	There have been some questions about the status of the block closure
version and when it will get into the main release.  The short answer is
its not ready for the main release yet.  There are still more
enhancements I want to add that will change the bytecodes, and thus
image format.  Plus other VI4 enhancements need to be added.  So the
best strategy for now is to treat BC as a fork and evolve it, then when
we think it is stable we will make it the main release.  Note, the BC
fork will be able to stay current with the latest updates, since it can
read from the update stream just like the main image.  Here is what I
	First, let's make BC and VI4 the same thing.  Before, BC was a component
of VI4, but now I will include other VI4 enhancements when building the
BC version, and will drop the use of the term "BC" and now call it
	Second, let's make the previous BC swiki page the main VI4 page. 
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2119 will now contain all the
changesets needed to make the VI4 version from the main version and, as
a convenience, the pre-built VI4 version itself.  Updates specific to
VI4 will also be maintained on this page ready to be downloaded and
filed-in to the VI4 image.  Contributers are free to add
changesets/updates to this page.
	That's it.  We now have two flavors of Squeak, the main one and the VI4
one.  Go to http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/VI4 to check out VI4.  Please 
feel free to add other changesets that you think should be included in VI4.  
Just make sure they work with the rest of VI4 (the BC stuff).  Much of the 
Interpreter related to the call stack and bytecodes has changed, and some of 
its instance variables have changed with it, but you should be able to figure 
it out.  The rest of the Interpreter/ObjectMemory has not changed.

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