message String>>fromString:

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Wed Jun 12 02:45:11 UTC 2002

Kamil Kukura <kamk at> wrote:
	I found in String>>fromString:
	"Answer an instance of me that is a copy of the argument, aString."
	Well, if "me" is not pure String but something derived, the above is not
	(DerivedString fromString: 'hello world') className "gives String"
	Fortunately ('hello world' as: DerivedString) works.
The method body reads
    ^aString copyFrom: 1 to: aString size
which boils down to
    (aString species new: aString size)
        replaceFrom: 1 to: aString size with: aString startingAt: 1

If the method body were to read
    ^(self new: aString size)
	replaceFrom: 1 to: aString size with: aString startingAt: 1

then this would agree with the method comment AND be slightly faster.

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