USB-based MIDI in MacOS X?

Jay Hardesty jhardesty at
Mon Jun 24 00:08:38 UTC 2002

Hello -
Has anyone already embarked on
getting USB-based MIDI working on MacOS X?
The SirenMIDI shared library for OS9 looks like a
very good place to start, but I don't want to duplicate
work anyone else is perhaps already doing.

On a related note has anyone tried or managed to play
back SoundFont or DLS samples in OSX via Quicktime
from Squeak?  I want to experiment with the openQuicktimeMIDIPort
function in sqMacMIDI.c, but am currently trying to get
through the process of building a Carbon vm using ProjectBuilder
and VMMaker (probably more questions on that to follow...)

Thanks for any info,
Jay Hardesty
jayh at

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