A naive question

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Thu Jun 27 19:56:45 UTC 2002


	50 at 60 + 200 at 400

evaluates as if written

	(((50 at 60) + 200)@400)

So you get: 

50 at 60 ==> aPoint
aPoint + anInteger ==> anotherPoint.
anotherPoint @ anInteger ==> B3DVector3


>50 at 60 + 200 at 400
>I was thinking that as @ and + are both binary we evaluate the expression 
>from left to right
>and I was thinking that the result would be decomposed as follow
>sel @
>rec 50
>arg 60 + 200 at 400
>		sel +
>		rec 60
>		arg 200 at 400  =>>>  260 at 400
>=>>> B3Vector but this is not
>I have the impression that somewhere there is something not uniform but I'
>m too tired to see it

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