[BUG] String asURL fails

Stephen Pair spair at advantive.com
Thu Mar 7 14:57:43 UTC 2002

> I can't test on a Mac, but this changeset should at least be 
> very close.  You'll have to change the #asUrl to this new 
> selector, but hopefully that's okay.

I think this needs to go a step further.  The construct:

	FileUrl fromFileName: 'Macintosh HD:Fun with 3.2:Squeak.15.gif'

should work no matter what platform you are on, or alternatively you
should be able to to be explicit about the platform (with the previous
example parsing based on the current platform)...for example:

	FileUrl fromMacFileName: 'Macintosh HD:Fun with

There might be situations where you have to deal with a filename
formatted for an OS that you don't happen to be using at the moment.  I
would propose the following methods:

	fromFileName: - uses the delimiter for the current plaform
	fromFileName:usingDirectoryClass: - uses the specified
FileDirectory class to parse the path 
	fromMacFileName: - uses $: for the delimiter
	fromDosFileName: - uses $\ for the delimiter
	fromUnixFileName: - uses $/ for the delimiter

Unfortunately, there are many methods that assume you want the local
file name convention and directly use "FileDirectory pathNameDelimiter"
or FileDirectory activeDirectoryClass.  Also, shouldn't
"MacFileDirectory on: 'Macintosh HD:Fun with 3.2:Squeak.15.gif'" give me
an instance of a MacFileDirectory?  It currently doesn't work unless you
happen to be running on the mac plaform.

The attached change set implements these methods, and adds
"FileDirectory class>>basicOn:", which gives you an instance of the
receiver (not (necessarily) an instance "FileDirectory
activeDirectoryClass").  FileDirectory class>>on: is refactored to use
#basicOn:.  So, no matter which platform you are running on, you have
the ability take a path name for any platform and convert it to a Url.

- Stephen
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