A suggestion

Henrik Gedenryd h.gedenryd at open.ac.uk
Tue Mar 12 10:07:58 UTC 2002

Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:

> A key step in the algorithm is sorting a collection of (sorted)
> sequences of integers.  I was using an OrderedCollection of Arrays of
> (numbers that happen to be) SmallIntegers.  The obvious
> candidates sort
> doesn't work because you can't use #< between two Arrays.

Avoiding the discussion of sorting performance, you can provide a sort block
to SortedCollections, which then could be something like

[:a :b |
    (1 to: (a size min: b size)) allSatisfy: [:i |
        (a at: i) <= (b at: i)]]

This avoids writing an extra method.


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