fewer, larger halos (was: [Q] Choosing the user level)

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Fri Mar 15 19:32:42 UTC 2002

(cross-posted from the Squeakland mailing list...)

>How do I add a preference / switch so that I can
>choose that fewer and larger halos show up:
>I would just like to have
>- the duplication halo
>- the delete halo
>- the resize halo
>- the recolor halo

You've perhaps seen in the "halos" tab of Preferences a set of
checkboxes inviting you to choose a "halo scheme".   If you click on
"custom", a user-customizable halo scheme will be used, so that's one
way for you easily to thread your new kinds of halos into the system.

Now to *define* what your custom halos are, just hit that "edit
custom halos" button.  You'll need to grok the pattern by looking at
the example code there.  I've pasted one possible modification to the
custom-halos method below, one that shows your four chosen handles at
the four corners of the halo, fwiw.  Just file it in, choose the
"custom" halos scheme in Preferences, and see how you like it; then
modify it until it does what you want.

>where the halos are just larger so that they can easier by activated with
>the mouse.

Navigate to HaloMorph in a browser, and from the class-list pane's
menu choose "Class vars".  In the resulting
class-variables-inspector, click on #HandleSize.  Note the current
value (16) in the right-hand pane.  Type in the new value you want
(e.g. 32) into the right hand pane and accept it (cmd-s or Enter).
Voilà!  You can try it out right away by cmd-clicking on the
class-variables-inspector itself.

  -- Scott

!Preferences class methodsFor: 'halos' stamp: 'sw 3/14/2002 16:18'!
	"Answer specifications for four handles, dismiss, duplicate,
grow, recolor, to appear at the four corners of the halo."

	^ #(
(addDismissHandle: left	top (red muchLighter) 'Halo-Dismiss')
(addDupHandle: right top (green) 'Halo-Dup')
(addGrowHandle: right bottom (yellow) 'Halo-Scale')
(addScaleHandle: right bottom (lightOrange)'Halo-Scale')
(addRecolorHandle: left	bottom (magenta darker) 'Halo-Recolor'))! !

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