[BC] Trouble with pre-built image

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at cornell.edu
Tue Mar 19 22:38:41 UTC 2002

Maurice Rabb <m3rabb at stono.com> wrote:
> I downloaded the pre-built BC image and changes from the Swiki at:
> http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2119
> and filed in the last-minute fix:
> http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/uploads/2119/BCDebugSelectionFix-ajh.1.cs
> Unfortunately the debugger still doesn't appear to be working
> correctly with halt.
> try:	5 halt factorial.
> In the debugger UndefinedObject>>DoIt holds:
> ERROR "getting sourceCode: UndefinedObject class errorNoDecompilerYet?"

The decompiler hasn't been implemented yet, that is why your getting the
above error.  This only gets in the way when looking at DoIt methods,
other methods have source pointers and don't need the decompiler.  I
want to enhance DoIt methods so they hold onto their source as well and
don't need the decompiler.  The decompiler is non-trivial and I'm waiting until
my new bytecodes, intermediate representation, and parse node changes are
well established before spending time on the decompiler.
	Also you may have noticed you can't step past the halt.  This is a bug
and I will try to fix it in the next couple of weeks.

> What updates do I need to file in to bring the BC image up to date?
> I read the following from the archives:
> RE: Updating BC to 3.3alpha (was: [BC][FIX] Block Closures, Version 2 Fix)
> >I see the problem.  Changeset 4717 is missing a closing quote on its
> >preamble.  That is what produces the syntax error.  For some reason the
> >standard image does not choke on this syntax error but BC does.  To work
> >around it add the closing quote in the Syntax Error window (and remove
> >the "Unmatched comment quote ->" tag), save, and then proceed through
> >the notifier.
> >If your using the pre-converted image, before getting updates you have to
> >change "SystemVersion current" version to 'Squeak3.3alpha' and rollback
> >its highestUpdate to 4653 before getting 3.3alpha updates.  You also
> >have to remove all number above 4653 in its updates set.  (PhiHo might
> >have figured this out already).  The next time I put up a pre-converted
> >image, I will only update it to 3.2alpha-4652, so you can easily go to
> >3.2gamma or 3.3alpha (or maybe I'll post both image versions).
> I performed the following:
> SystemVersion current
>      version: 'Squeak3.3alpha';
>      highestUpdate: 4653;
>      updates removeAllSuchThat: [:each | each > 4653].
> all _ ChangeSorter allChangeSets.
> (ChangeSorter changeSetsNamedSuchThat:
>      [:name | name first isDigit and: [name initialIntegerOrNil > 4653]])
> 	do: [:cs | all remove: cs wither].
> Utilities readServerUpdatesThrough: 4716 saveLocally: true updateImage: true.
> But Squeak returns a notification saying that there are no updates to
> be filled in.

Your on the right track.  Try rolling back to 3.2alpha-4652 then getting
updates.  Also, I didn't have to remove changeset I just had to click
past some warnings when they get reloaded again from the update stream. 
Note: I assume your cascade above is pseudo-code since you can't send a
message ("removeAllSuchThat:") to a message ("updates") in a cascade.

> BTW, The BC VM is quite zippy, and the IR parser stuff is really nice!


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