Refactoring the Swiki (was Re: Lego Mindstorm and Squeak)

Doug Way dway at
Fri Mar 29 21:22:47 UTC 2002

Bergel Alexandre wrote:
> I have finally make a little web page about my work with lego mindstorm.
> It works fine, but... I need help for getting out of my troubles with serial port.
> LegoMindstorm on Squeak here :
> Do not hesitate to inform me about your comment...

Looks good!

Just a small complaint about adding Swiki pages, though...  When adding a new wiki page, try to check to see if there is already a page covering the same topic (by doing a search if necessary).

In your case, there was already a "Lego Mindstorms" page at , so you may not have needed to create a sort-of duplicate page.  (You could have found this page by doing a search on the Swiki for "Lego".)  Possibly combining the content of the two pages might be a good idea, or at the very least you should add a link from your page to the other one and vice versa.

The Swiki needs more of this sort of cleanup in general... removing duplication, and adding more cross-referencing of related material.  I've created a couple of pages about this on the Swiki.  See:

"Refactoring the Swiki"
"An Encyclopedic Swiki"

Please help to refactor the Swiki occasionally as you use it.  (Especially when adding new pages!)

- Doug Way
  dway at

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