Comments welcome: designer look for squeak

Norton, Chris chrisn at
Sat Mar 30 00:06:36 UTC 2002

Hi Martin.

Having been on this list for several years now, it seems to me that a newish
person proposes a "new look" for Squeak every six months or so.  That's not
a bad thing, mind you, it's just a fact that change happens very slowly in
this area.

If you look at the Swiki, you'll see lots of cool screenshots of
Squeak-tweaks that people have done over the years.  Unfortunately, most of
these tweaks never got past the "ain't it cool" stage.  The really hard part
of any project is to find someone who will stay the course and finish it.

If you are interested in changing Squeak's look, I encourage you!  More
power to you.  But you may want to see why those other efforts failed before
you spend a lot of time on this.


---==> Chris

PS>  Many of the people who were interested in changing Squeak's "look" are
still on the list.  Perhaps you can round up a few of them and really turn
some heads.

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