
Tim Rowledge tim at
Fri May 3 04:46:54 UTC 2002

Nevin Pratt <nevin at> is claimed by the authorities to have written:

> There are 36 different, distinct VM plugins!  What do all those plugins 
> actually do?
Make a real man/woman/primate of you.

Well, FilePlugin handles all the file stuff.
SocketPlugin handles sockets.
ZipPlugin handles (de)compressing
BitBltPlugin handles (ta-da!) BitBlt.
etc etc.

The simple option is to choose 'make all internal' from the menu in the
bottom left list. This will move any/all plugins that can be made on
your platform into the 'Internal plugin' list.

WARNING WARNING If you are on Windows, I have no idea what works and
what doesn't. I don't have a windows machine so I have no way to check
anything relating to it. Several people have been using VMMaker on
windows so I hope they can offer more focussed help.

Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Useful Latin Phrases:- Te precor dulcissime supplex! = Pretty please with a cherry on top!

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