[morphic] how to prevent mouseEnter from propagating to parent

Martin Drautzburg martin.drautzburg at web.de
Sun May 5 20:36:09 UTC 2002

If I create two morphs like this:

|p c|
p _ RectangleMorph new.
c _ RectangleMorph new top:100.
p on: #mouseEnter send: #value to: [Transcript show: 'parent'; cr].
c on: #mouseEnter send: #value to: [Transcript show: 'child'; cr].
p addMorph: c; openInWorld.

and I mouseEnter the child (the lower morph), the parent obviously
receives a mouseEnter first, probably because I did enter its

Is there a way to let only the child receive a mouse enter and the
parent only if I enter its visible territory ?

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