[Modules] [Q] Strangeness browsing submodules

Bergel Alexandre bergel at iam.unibe.ch
Sat May 11 22:43:59 UTC 2002

Module define a namespace for globals. These globals could be whatever : a class, a module, or any kind of object.

Let assume you have a class AClass contained into module #(People Ab), I can reach this class by :

((Module @ #(People Ab)) at: #AClass. "My prefered way"
Module root People Ab AClass.         "An another way"

For writing this latter form, module binding has to be defined into definedNames of a module.

Try : Module root modulesDefining: #Browser <printIt>
 a Dictionary(#(Squeak Development Browser)->Browser #(Squeak Development)->#(Squeak Development Browser) )


On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 12:52:32AM +0300, danielv at netvision.net.il wrote:
> It seems when I'm delving into the branches of the module tree, I can
> find most modules either in the neighbour modules variable, or in the
> defined names variable.
> The first is polluted also with names of thing that's not contained
> modules, but mere dependencies, and the second is polluted with the
> names of classes local to the module.
> Stranger still, modules I create myself, or existing modules after
> unloading and reloading, no longer appear in defined names, but just in
> neighbour modules. 
> What does it all mean?
> Daniel

Bergel Alexandre  http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel

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