Keyboard - mouse interface fail on linux install

Ian Piumarta ian.piumarta at
Thu May 30 23:05:59 UTC 2002


On 31 May 2002, Henri Salha wrote:
> That means, that for ex. when i left-click on the background i should
> get this "World" menu, right? It just selects the whole Window with the
> little colored dots around. The right button acts as the left one.

First thing to try : run `xev' and click buttons in the window.  Make sure
the buttons are being reported as "button 1", "button 2" and "button 3"
(from left to right).  Then type `m's at the window and make sure they are
reported as "m" with "state 0x0".  If either of these aren't the case then
you've a problem with your keyboard mapping.

Is there a .xmodmaprc in your home directory ?  (If so, what does it
change ?)

> The keyboard also does not respond. Also when i am in a text box (for
> exemple a search or edit box), the keyboard does not give anything, but
> seems to react to commands, as if i were pressing alt+letter or
> ctrl+letter. For example, when i am in the main window, typing 'm'
> directly gives the menu "add a new morph".
> Do you have an idea of what's going on?

Sounds like keyboard "modifier" is getting stuck permanently "on".  
(Maybe your "numlock" is engaged ?)  Something you could try (this is a
rather draconian, but what the hey) is :

   xmodmap -e 'clear mod3'
   xmodmap -e 'clear mod4'
   xmodmap -e 'clear mod5'

which will switch off numlock (and similar keys).

If this doesn't help then contact me directly and we'll do some debugging.


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