[BUG][YAXO][3.4a] version madness

Laurence Rozier laurencerozier at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 14 18:10:38 UTC 2002

... and all the time I thought I was the one going
mad! I ran into similar sounding problems after
grabbing the XML-RPC client from:


late last month. After a bunch of head scratching, I
thought that a simple switch from entityAt: to
elementAt: would solve the problem but it didn't. In
addition to entityAt: there's also entities vs
elements. For some reason I can't recall now from
glancing at the code, I ended up using firstTagNamed:
and have been using XML-RPC reliably since. Hopefully
the attached changeset will help you out. Please keep
me posted on how you resolve this. I'd like to put my
app on SqueakMap soon and this seems like it could
prove to be an interesting gotcha.


--- Avi Bryant <avi at beta4.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Michael Rueger wrote:
> > Well, not really. The date in the change set is
> much newer, but the
> > contents are identical to the code in 3.4 (initial
> release + fixes). (I
> > just did a diff against each other)
> Ah, I was getting confused by the changeset date (I
> was working with
> several different images and versions of YAXO this
> morning trying to get
> XML-RPC to work).  The changeset I have that has a
> similar date to that in
> 3.4 uses #entityAt: instead of #elementAt:, but the
> code in 3.4 doesn't.
> Even so, YAXO is definitely a great candidate to be
> extracted.

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Content-Type: text/plain; name="FIX Synerge-XML-RPC .1.cs"
Content-Description: FIX Synerge-XML-RPC .1.cs
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="FIX Synerge-XML-RPC .1.cs"

'From Squeak3.2 of 11 July 2002 [latest update: #4956] on 14 November 2002 at 12:36:25 pm'!

!XMLRPCDecoder methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lpr 11/1/2002 17:26'!
decode: anXMLElement 
	(anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements isEmpty
		ifTrue: [^ (anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) contentString].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #string
		ifTrue: [^ ((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
				firstTagNamed: #string) contentString].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #i4
		ifTrue: [^ SmallInteger readFrom: ((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
					firstTagNamed: #i4) contentString readStream].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #int
		ifTrue: [^ SmallInteger readFrom: ((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
					firstTagNamed: #int) contentString readStream].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #double
		ifTrue: [^ Float readFrom: ((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
					firstTagNamed: #double) contentString readStream].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #base64
		ifTrue: [^ Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes: ((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
					firstTagNamed: #base64) contentString readStream].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = (('dateTime.iso8601') asSymbol)
		ifTrue: [^ self decodeDateTime: ((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
					firstTagNamed: ('dateTime.iso8601' asSymbol)) contentString].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #boolean
		ifTrue: [((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
					firstTagNamed: #boolean) contentString = '1'
				ifTrue: [^ True]
				ifFalse: [^ False]].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #array
		ifTrue: [^ self decodeArray: anXMLElement].
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value) elements at: 1) name = #struct
		ifTrue: [^ self decodeStruct: anXMLElement]! !

!XMLRPCDecoder methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lpr 11/4/2002 01:23'!
decodeArray: anXMLElement 
	| coll |
	coll _ OrderedCollection new.
	(((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
		firstTagNamed: #array)
		firstTagNamed: #data) elements
		do: [:xmlElem | coll
				add: (self
						decode: (XMLDocument new addElement: xmlElem ))].
	^ coll asArray!
]style[(13 12 4 5 4 4 3 17 10 12 16 6 19 6 19 5 18 9 2 4 11 4 16 11 17 7 9 4 8)f1b,f1cblue;b,f1,f1cblue;i,f1,f1cblue;i,f1,f1cmagenta;,f1,f1cblue;i,f1,f1c200200124,f1,f1c200200124,f1,f1c200200124,f1,f1cred;,f1,f1cblue;i,f1,f1cmagenta;,f1,f1cmagenta;,f1,f1cblue;i,f1,f1cblue;i,f1! !

!XMLRPCDecoder methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lpr 11/1/2002 19:51'!
decodeStruct: anXMLElement 
	| dict |
	dict _ Dictionary new.
	((anXMLElement firstTagNamed: #value)
		firstTagNamed: #struct) 
		elementsDo: [:each | dict
				at: (each firstTagNamed: #name) contentString
				put: (self decode: (each firstTagNamed: #value))].
	^ dict! !

!XMLRPCRequest methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'lpr 11/1/2002 18:08'!
	| s cmd crlf req list xmldoc |
	s _ HTTPSocket initHTTPSocket: endpoint ifError: 'XML-RPC Transport Layer Error'.
	crlf _ String crlf.
	req _ self build.
	cmd _ 'POST ' , endpoint fullPath , ' HTTP/1.0' , crlf , 'User-Agent: synerge SqXR' , crlf , 'Host: ' , endpoint authority , crlf , 'Content-type: text/xml' , crlf , 'Content-length: ' , req size asString , crlf , crlf , req.
	s sendCommand: cmd.
	list _ s getResponseUpTo: crlf , crlf ignoring: String cr.
	"list = header, CrLf, CrLf, beginningOfData"
	xmldoc _ XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: (s
					getRestOfBuffer: (list at: 3)) contents readStream.
	((xmldoc firstTagNamed: #methodResponse) elements at: 1) name = #fault
		ifTrue: [self error: 'XML-RPC error: '
					, (XMLRPCDecoder new
							decode: ((((((xmldoc firstTagNamed: #methodResponse) elements at: 1) elements at: 1) elements at: 1) elements at: 2) elements at: 2))].
	^ XMLRPCDecoder new
		decode: (((xmldoc firstTagNamed: #methodResponse)
				firstTagNamed: #params)
				firstTagNamed: #param)"^ cmd, crlf, '- - - ', crlf, (s getRestOfBuffer: (list at: 3)) contents."! !

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