Learning more about YAXO

Markus Fritsche Fritsche.Markus at gmx.net
Fri Nov 15 17:43:43 UTC 2002

Masashi Umezawa wrote:

>SoapOpera or SIXX changeSet does not modify YAXO. I have implemented an
Sorry, I didn't want to blame you. Please keep up the good work!

To Michael:

An example line in my (better: Christian Langreiter's) code:

((xmldoc entityAt: 'methodResponse') entities at: 1) key = 'fault'

xmldoc is an instance of XMLDocument. The XMLParser I used (don't know
where it came from :-) answered to #entityAt: with an
XMLNodeWithElements. The answer to "#entities" is a OrderedCollection, I
think, with (#entityName -> allContainingData). So
<a><b>c</b></a> would be made to: ((a -> (b -> c)) (b -> c)). Does
anyone have these and know where they came from (maybe VWXML?)

Regards, Markus

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