socket synchronization (was "Celeste sending/fetching mail with Michaels refactored clients")

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Tue Nov 19 20:10:54 UTC 2002

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at 10:19  AM, Andreas.Raab at wrote:

> I can't find any test suite in the package - what is it called?
>   - Andreas

Well I'm not sure what's on SqueakMap but I've had a test suite  here

Might be the same one?  I believe that should load in 3.2 fine.  You'll  
need to adjust the host address for your
environment. If you have an unix like box hand that will do echo (port  
7) & discard (port 8) & daytime (13) that is good.

I've noted tho that some flavors of *nix now tend to consider lots of  
traffic to port 7 as a DOS attack.

If the tests run really really slow that is an indication of a  
excessive signaling or semaphore confusion.
Alas the SUnit will not fail in this instance, but if you look at the  
code and wonder how long it should take ...

Perhaps we should collect numbers on the time taken to run the suite to  
confirm issues. I'd think on a
100mb network the limiting factor now would be the network code versus  
say the CPU performance of the machine.

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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