socket synchronization

Andreas.Raab at Andreas.Raab at
Wed Nov 20 11:06:37 UTC 2002

> Thinking about it again:
> upToAll: delims
> 	| searchBuffer index |
> 	searchBuffer _ String new.
> 	[searchBuffer _ searchBuffer , self inStream contents.
> 	self resetInStream.
> 	index _ searchBuffer indexOfSubCollection: delims startingAt: 1.
> 	index = 0]
> 		whileTrue: [self receiveData].
> receiveData is only called when data is required, so there should be no 
> difference between this version and replacing it with receiveDataNoWait. 
> If there is data, then the call should return before the timeout
> anyways???

Right. *If* there is data. In an ftp control connection there isn't since
you're waiting for the response to some command. The problem is that
#receiveData loops until the server closes or times out - what it should do (at least
for upToAll:) is to return immediately as soon as data is there so that the
input can be searched for a match. IOW, what happens is something like:

client sends => 'PASV'
client calls #upToAll: CR
client has no available data
client enters #receiveData
                                       <= server sends 'OK', CR
client keeps looping in #receiveData
client keeps looping in #receiveData
client times out in #receiveData
client returns to #upToAll:

So for #upToAll: there should be something like "receiveMoreData" which
returns as soon as *anything* has been received instead of looping.

  - Andreas

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