SM future version (was RE: DVS (thanks!) & SqueakMap thoughts)

Stephen Pair spair at
Wed Nov 20 23:11:58 UTC 2002

Göran wrote:
> Notes:
> 1. A package configuration is not a script. It is declarative. Otherwise
> we can not use them for dependency analysis and conflict detection etc.

If you design the API well enough the "load script" can be as good as an
exclusively declarative syntax.  For example instead of being so explicit in
the load script:

SMSqueakMap default installPackageNamed: 'SSP' version: '1.0'

We could write:

(PackageConfiguration new:

	Comanche	5.0
	SSP		1.0
	Seaside	2.0
)) load !

But, I'd say just get the ability to have multiple versions of a package on
SqueakMap right now and let's play with that for a few weeks first.  Next we
might want to express package pre-reqs (to specific versions of a package).
Package configs would override any expressed pre-req (for example, in the
above scenario Seaside 2.0 might have a pre-req of Comanche 4.0, but our
package config overrides that and is loading Comanche 5.0 instead).

- Stephen

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