OSProcess on win32 - now have VI4 problem

Jeff Sparkes jsparkes at databeacon.com
Tue Nov 26 20:02:02 UTC 2002

> Jeff ,
> > This works fine, for normal squeak images.
> > If I try to do this with a VI4 image, I get the, uh,
> > emergency evaluator stack trace, or whatever
> ...
> > To repeat:
> > start with clean 3.4 image - update 5125
>     I like to reproduce this. Please tell me how did you
>     get at the clean 3.4 image in VI4 format ?
>     I tried to update the stock 3.2 in VI4 format from VI4
>     home page.
>     At update 5005u16-Events, I got a walkback:
>         "Error: BlockContext no longer exists in VI4
>         See UndeclaredVariable #vi4Obsolete for alternatives"

I just re-did it from scratch again...
I downloaded the image from http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2119

I *did not* load the updates on the page, to see if that's what happened in your case.   Perhaps that's why the package doesn't work.

I updated through all 3.4 updates, and saved the image.

I actually did this twice, once with the updates on the page, and
once without.  I successfully applied all updates in both cases.  I'm using the Halloween SqM, maybe something else crept in?

I've also tested with Anthony's VM, so you're off the hook, PhiHo.
Don't know why I didn't test that before.  Now I've thoroughly
tested hopefully all permutations.

Without the updates, you get the problem I outlined before, so it may just be a mea culpa.  With the updates, I get a different
error: a confirm dialog titled "Error: CompiledMethod2 resetChildProcessDictionary?" and choices of "Debug Process" and "Abort Process".

>     In either case, I think we need help from Anthony.

I added VI4 to the subject to catch his eye.  We now know that
the non-dll part of the problem is definitely in his ballpark.

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