Underscores in method names

Tim Rowledge tim at sumeru.stanford.edu
Thu Oct 17 17:20:31 UTC 2002

Nevin Pratt <nevin at smalltalkpro.com> is claimed by the authorities to have written:

> Ian, this is great!  It greatly eases compatibility issues for moving 
> code between dialects.
> Is there any way to get it into the base image release?  What's the 
> process for that?
> Nevin
> Ian Piumarta wrote:
>  Use of this changeset has been officially condemned by the Independent
>  Board of Syntactical Aesthetics for Squeak.
I strongly support the board position on this. Underscores in method
names and variable names are an abomination against the Ghods. We are
the Knights of the Square Bracket and we
Do_Not_Use_Underscores_In_Method_Names. Aside from any other
considerations, why would we want to make our code even faintly look
like j-j-j-whotsit?

Sir tim the underscore slayer

Tim Rowledge, tim at sumeru.stanford.edu, http://sumeru.stanford.edu/tim
What this country needs is a good five-cent microcomputer.

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