newbie looking for fonts

Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at
Wed Oct 30 21:12:30 UTC 2002

 Nils Kassube <nika at> wrote:

> "Boris Gaertner" <Boris.Gaertner at> writes:
> > The file contains a project file that you can load
> > into Squeak 3.2. To do it, you uncompress the zip file. This gives
> > you a file with ending .pr . From within Squeak, you open a file list
> I only got a folder with *.sf2 files plus the license. I've downloaded
> the archive from 
> No project file. 

Oh, you are right. I confused two different files. The project
file is the AccuFontLoader that is mentioned on page  
The AccuFontLoad itself can be downloaded from   It is the file
Essentially I wanted to tell Albert how to use that file. Regrettably I
gave him the wrong pointer. Thank you for telling me that I made
a mistake. 

As to the zip file from
It contains the AccuFonts as a collection of files in sf2-format.
To load the *.sf2 files, copy them into the working directory of
Squeak. In Squeak, execute this statement in a workspace:

* for Squeak 3.2:
#('Accuat' 'Accuca' 'Accujen' 'Accula' 'Accumo'
    'Accumon' 'Accuny' 'Accushi' 'Accuve') do:
  [:name |  TextConstants at: name asSymbol 
                    put: (TextStyle fontArray: (StrikeFont
                               readStrikeFont2Family: name))].

* for Squeak 3.3 alfa:

#('Accuat' 'Accuca' 'Accujen' 'Accula' 'Accumo' 
    'Accumon' 'Accuny' 'Accushi' 'Accuve') do:
  [:name  |  TextConstants definedNames at: name asSymbol 
                    put: (TextStyle fontArray: (StrikeFont
                                 readStrikeFont2Family: name))].

Remark:  It is not possible to load the project file
into Squeak 3.3 alfa. For this version, you can only
use the sf2-files which can be loaded with the statement

My apologies for the confusion!

Greetings Boris

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