
squeak-dev at squeak-dev at
Tue Oct 15 01:01:26 UTC 2002

> If I type on air:  '1 1 0 1' asTuple  Nothing
> happens.

This seems to be because nothing implements asTuple in the Morphic Wrapper
change set.  I don't have it either.  The people who wrote the Morphic
Wrappers may have taken it out.  I would email the MathMorphs people, and ask
where it is, if you really want to use it.

> If I type a classe name on air, I get a
> rectangle with
> the name of the class in it.  The book says
> that I
> should get the name of the class, and a list of
> all
> the methods in the class.

The rectangle is called a ClassMorphicWrapper.  It is actually a kind of
browser. Try typing the class "Stream" on air and create a class wrapper. You
will get the methods if you press your menu mouse button over the class name. 
The method categories are the cascading menus, and by selecting a method, you
can bring up a method browser.  The lower part of the menu is different things
you can do to the class. If you type a class name that has instance variables,
like "Class," they are displayed in the rectangle.  

I think your wrappers are working fine, it just has a bad example "asTuple"
that doesn't exist anymore.

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