
Brian Keefer mgomes21 at cox.net
Thu Sep 5 23:36:00 UTC 2002

This is definitely the last oopsie. Now it should work if the
OrderedCollection has slack.
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.2gamma of 15 January 2002 [latest update: #4881] on 5 September 2002 at 7:18:39 pm'!

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'adding' stamp: 'bmk 9/5/2002 15:45'!
aSize > self size ifTrue:[ self error: 'cannot truncate larger'] 
	newLastIndex := firstIndex+aSize-1.
	newLastIndex+1 to: lastIndex do: [:position| array at: position put: nil].
	lastIndex := newLastIndex]! !

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'removing' stamp: 'bmk 9/1/2002 17:04'!
removeAll: aCollection 
|removalSet sentinel|

removalSet := aCollection as: Bag. "#asBag is unfriendly to streams"
sentinel := Object new.
1 to: self size do:[:index|
	(removalSet includes:(self at:index)) ifTrue:[
		self at:index put:sentinel
self squeegee:sentinel.
^aCollection. "don't know why. Nobody wants it"! !

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'removing' stamp: 'bmk 9/5/2002 19:16'!
squeegee: sentinel "remove all instances of the sentinel, and squish down the array"
tightIndex := firstIndex.
1 to: self size do: [:fluffedIndex| "probably safer to manually iterate here than trust #do:"
	(self at: fluffedIndex) == sentinel ifFalse:[
		self at:tightIndex put: (self at:fluffedIndex).
		tightIndex := tightIndex+1.
self truncate:tightIndex -firstIndex 
		 ! !

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