
Ohshima, Yoshiki squeak-dev at
Sat Sep 7 02:46:34 UTC 2002


Tommy Thorn wrote:
> (*): GCC also generates a useless bytecode < 256 comparison that should 
> be eliminated.

  Some other compilers do, too.  The #patchInterp: in thing
does the, err, patching intepret loop for PowerPC.

  What I did for SH-3 version of Squeak is generate the
assembly file (.s file) and remove the range check
instructions by a short program written in Emacs Lisp:-)

  I always wanted to do the similar thing for the WinCE/ARM
VM.  But the current "release" versions are not patched at
all.  For people who are curious, please try to do it and
let me know how you do it:-)

-- Yoshiki

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