The standard does *not* support - a removeAll: a - [was: Re: [BUG] Collection>>removeAll:]

Andrew C. Greenberg squeak-dev at
Sat Sep 7 13:02:27 UTC 2002

On Thursday, September 5, 2002, at 10:40 PM, Richard A. O'Keefe wrote:

> Can we take it as read that Andrew C. Greenberg is a fine person
> who has made far more substantial contributions to the Squeak
> community than I am ever likely to?

So we can be absolutely clear on this point -- this, too, is entirely a 
straw man -- I never asserted the position, and don't hold to the same. 
  I affirmatively invite Richard to actively participate in the 
community, and I hope, will make far more substantial contributions 
than all of us combined.  Disagreeing with his conclusions, or the form 
of the arguments he makes states nothing to the contrary.

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