[Q] [ANN] Downsizing image

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Apr 2 18:55:32 UTC 2003

Amigos del Squeak:

On testing all published packages in SqueaMap, listed in
http://swiki.squeakfoundation.org/squeakfoundation/77I found
http://swiki.gsug.org:8080/sqfixes/3130.attachments/PWS.st.gz link give me
an error.

Otherwise , I attach code I use for testing dependences.
If by example you do
SystemOrganization removeCategoriesMatching: 'Speech-*', I think this is not

See the .text  attachment using InformAbout informCategories: 'Speech-*'

I like all ideas to categories candidates for removal.

'Genie*' 'Star*'  'XML*' 'FFI-Examples*' 'Movies*' 'Morphic-Navigators'
'Morphic-Outline' 'Morphic-Tile*' 'Morphic-Book' 'Morphic-Demo'
'Morphic-Components' 'Morphic-Stacks'

Should we remove all this ? No? Others ?

Remember, We are trying to cook SqueakLight, a bare morphic system in 5 to 6
mb size for use in iPaq and similar devices.

Thanks in advance.


-------------- next part --------------
Object subclass: #InformAbout
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'RemovalThings'!

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

InformAbout class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!InformAbout class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 3/29/2003 07:41'!
classInThisCategorie: aCategory

| newBrowser catList |

	newBrowser _ Browser new.
	catList _ newBrowser systemCategoryList.
	newBrowser systemCategoryListIndex: 
		(catList indexOf: aCategory asSymbol ifAbsent: [^ self inform: 'No such category']).
^ newBrowser classList.! !

!InformAbout class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 3/30/2003 07:18'!
informCategories: aString 
	| categorieList classList aStream associationList actualClass |
	aStream _ WriteStream on: String new.
	categorieList _ SystemOrganization categoriesMatching: aString.
		do: [:aCategorie | aStream print: aCategorie;
	aStream print: 'This are the categories matching ' , aString;
		do: [:aCategorie | 
			classList _ self classInThisCategorie: aCategorie.
	aStream tab; tab; print: '=== Class ========= Method ==='; cr.
				do: [:aClass | 
					aStream tab; print: aClass; cr.
					actualClass _ Smalltalk
								atOrBelow: aClass
								ifAbsent: [^ nil].
					associationList _ Smalltalk
								allCallsOn: (Smalltalk associationAt: actualClass theNonMetaClass name).
						do: [:aAssociation | 
							aStream tab; tab; print: aAssociation classSymbol asString.
							aStream tab; tab; print: aAssociation methodSymbol asString; cr].
					aStream print: 'This are the associations in class '.
						aStream print: aClass asString;
						 cr].aStream print: 'This are the classes in ' , aCategorie asString;
	StringHolder new contents: aStream contents;
		 openLabel: aString , ' Use in this image '! !
-------------- next part --------------
#'Speech-Phoneme Recognizer'
'This are the categories matching Speech*'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
		'Speaker'		'clauseFromString:'
'This are the associations in class ''Clause'
		'Speaker'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''DurationsVisitor'
		'Speaker'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''F0RenderingVisitor'
		'Speaker'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''IntonationVisitor'
		'Speaker'		'phraseFromString:'
'This are the associations in class ''Phrase'
'This are the associations in class ''Speaker'
		'Speaker'		'syllabizationOf:'
'This are the associations in class ''Syllable'
'This are the associations in class ''UtteranceVisitor'
		'Speaker'		'wordFromString:'
'This are the associations in class ''Word'
'This are the classes in Speech-TTS'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
		'DECTalkReader'		'initialize'
		'F0RenderingVisitor'		'clause:'
'This are the associations in class ''CosineInterpolator'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample4'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample3'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample2'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample'
'This are the associations in class ''DECTalkReader'
'This are the associations in class ''PHOReader'
'This are the classes in Speech-Support'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
		'FaceMorph'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''EyeMorph'
		'HeadMorph'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''FaceMorph'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample4'
		'Speaker'		'newHead'
		'Speaker'		'makeGestural'
		'GesturalEvent'		'voice'
'This are the associations in class ''GesturalVoice'
		'GesturalVoice'		'newHead'
'This are the associations in class ''HeadMorph'
		'FaceMorph'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''LipsMorph'
'This are the classes in Speech-Gestures'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
		'KlattSynthesizerPlugin'		'initialize'
		'KlattFrameMorph'		'addSlidersForParameters:'
		'KlattFrameMorph'		'frame:'
		'KlattSegment'		'methodPrintOn:'
		'KlattVoice'		'defaultPatternFrame'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattFrame'
		'KlattFrame'		'edit'
		'KlattVoice'		'editor'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattFrameMorph'
		'KlattSegmentSet'		'segmentFromArray:'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattSegment'
		'KlattSegmentSet'		'parameterFromArray:'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattSegmentParameter'
		'KlattVoice'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattSegmentSet'
		'KlattFrame'		'play'
		'KlattFrame'		'example1'
		'KlattFrame'		'example3'
		'KlattFrame'		'example2'
		'KlattFrameMorph'		'playTest'
		'KlattVoice'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattSynthesizer'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample4'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample3'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample2'
		'DECTalkReader'		'silentNightDuetExample'
		'Speaker'		'woman'
		'Speaker'		'kid'
		'Speaker'		'bicyclic'
		'Speaker'		'pressed'
		'Speaker'		'creaky'
		'Speaker'		'whispery'
		'Speaker'		'default'
		'Speaker'		'bigMan'
		'Speaker'		'child'
		'Speaker'		'breathy'
		'Speaker'		'notPressed'
		'Speaker'		'fly'
		'Speaker'		'exorsist'
		'Voice'		'default'
		'Speaker'		'edit'
'This are the associations in class ''KlattVoice'
		'KlattFrameMorph'		'step'
'This are the associations in class ''LiljencrantsFant'
'This are the classes in Speech-Klatt'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
		'PhonemeSet'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''Phoneme'
		'LipsMorph'		'initialize'
		'PhoneticRule'		'fromArray:'
		'PhoneticRule'		'spanish'
		'PhoneticTranscriber'		'spanish'
		'PhoneticTranscriber'		'english'
		'DurationsVisitor'		'default'
		'DECTalkReader'		'initialize'
		'KlattSegmentSet'		'initializeArpabet'
		'PHOReader'		'initialize'
		'PhoneticEvent'		'asPHOString'
'This are the associations in class ''PhonemeSet'
		'PhoneticTranscriber'		'spanish'
		'PhoneticTranscriber'		'english'
		'PhoneticRule'		'species'
'This are the associations in class ''PhoneticRule'
		'Speaker'		'initialize'
'This are the associations in class ''PhoneticTranscriber'
'This are the classes in Speech-Phonetics'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
		'Clause'		'events'
		'DECTalkReader'		'initialize'
		'PHOReader'		'events'
		'Phrase'		'events'
		'Speaker'		'say:'
		'Syllable'		'events'
		'Word'		'events'
'This are the associations in class ''CompositeEvent'
		'Speaker'		'findAVoice:'
		'Voice'		'+'
'This are the associations in class ''CompositeVoice'
'This are the associations in class ''GazeGesturalEvent'
'This are the associations in class ''GesturalEvent'
'This are the associations in class ''MoodGesturalEvent'
		'DECTalkReader'		'read'
		'PHOReader'		'nextEvent'
		'Speaker'		'eventsFromString:'
		'Syllable'		'events'
'This are the associations in class ''PhoneticEvent'
		'GesturalVoice'		'playPhoneticEvent:at:'
'This are the associations in class ''TalkGesturalEvent'
		'VoiceEvent'		'voice'
		'GesturalEvent'		'voice'
'This are the associations in class ''Voice'
'This are the associations in class ''VoiceEvent'
'This are the classes in Speech-Events'
		'=== Class ========= Method ==='
'This are the associations in class ''PhonemeRecognizerMorph'
		'PhonemeRecord'		'initialize'
		'PhonemeRecognizerMorph'		'matchSoundFile'
		'PhonemeRecognizerMorph'		'addPhoneme'
		'PhonemeRecognizerMorph'		'initialize'
		'PhonemeRecognizerMorph'		'startRecognizing'
		'PhonemeRecognizerMorph'		'findMatchFor:samplingRate:'
'This are the associations in class ''PhonemeRecord'
'This are the classes in Speech-Phoneme Recognizer'

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