[BUG]Re: 3.5 crash

goran.hultgren at bluefish.se goran.hultgren at bluefish.se
Mon Apr 14 22:59:44 UTC 2003

"Gavin Scott" <gavin at allegro.com> wrote:
> I wiped out my previous collection of images, VMs, and whatnot, and
> downloaded 3.5 for Windows via:
>    http://www.squeak.org/download/index.html
> As a minor aside, I'd like to complain that this page has no obvious "click
> here to download the software" link.  The mention of the "ftp site" seems to
> be qualified by the "If a full package is not built for your system..."
> clause.  Also a new user does not (yet) care that there are four files
> needed to make a working Squeak, they just want the software.  So I would
> suggest eliminating the discussion of VM vs. Image vs. Changes and simply
> have links for downloading the complete package prebuilt for major operating
> systems, and perhaps a separate "for advanced users or users of other
> platforms" link.

There are such "full" downloads further down on the page. Just look at
the table at the bottom.
But sure, we could perhaps mention that higher up. :-)

> Anyhow, I start Squeak under Win2K SP3, open the Navigator tab, click Share,
> and click Cancel in the "Please type your name" dialog.  The VM goes 100%
> busy, the UI stops responding, and if I force a windows refresh by
> minimizing and restoring the Squeak window then a stack trace is displayed
> in the upper left corner of the window that starts:
> *** System error handling failed***
> MessageNotUnderstood: asBaloonCanvas
> Debugger class>>openContext:label:contents:
> [...]
> This seems like a not implausible sequence of things for a new user to try.

First, it should be "asBalloonCanvas" above, I started looking for a
wrong spelled message send first. Then I repeated what you did and
verified this same result in Squeak 3.2. So this is actually an old bug.
It takes place due to the animated mouse face which is a
FlashMorph-animation kinda thingy, a ClippingCanvas is sent into the
fullDrawOn: method in FlashMorph but the ClippingCanvas doesn't
implement the #asBalloonCanvas message. But it sure is a bug. I guess
nobody has tried to share the default Project before! :-)

regards, Göran

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