Smalltalk Source-Code Firewall?

Paul Chapman paul at
Thu Apr 24 15:37:24 UTC 2003

I have more than 10 years of Smalltalk (/V), but I'm new to Squeak this week.  And new to the list!  I'm running Wintel, BTW.

I am designing an app in which I wish to allow users to write and distribute Smalltalk source-code "fragments" with limited semantics, to run on other users' machines.  It is therefore essential that the implementation of these semantics forbids fragments from accessing parts of the user's image (and underlying platform) not specifically permitted in the app's problem domain.

I wish to know if anyone here agrees or disagrees whether the following approach should work in principle.

(1) Define and build a set of wrapper classes to provide the domain semantics.

(2) Compile all fragments in the context of the instance-side of a wrapper class specifically designed for that purpose, using an adaptation of the Squeak Smalltalk compiler altered as follows:

(2a) Compiler resolves global references (capped ids) through a compiler-supplied Dictionary containing only the wrapper classes; or perhaps even disallow all capped ids and require a message to self to, eg, obtain a new instance of a wrapper class.

(2b) Compiler flags as a compilation error any message-send whose selector does not appear in a compiler-supplied Set.

(2c) Where necessary, compiler compiles "constants" (numbers, blocks, {}s, thisContext, etc) as instances of suitable wrapper classes instead of the usual Kernel classes.

Might it additionally be useful/necessary to subclass some or all of the wrapper classes from ProtoObject?

Note that my app will NOT prevent any user from using the full facilities of Squeak: I have every wish that users who wish to exploit the full range of Squeak facilities side-by-side with my app (Package) should be able to do so.  It is ONLY the code fragments which are published by the users themselves by submission to an unmoderated server library whose behaviour must be coralled.

... Hmmm, I've just thought of another relevant question here...

I don't know much about internet client-side firewalls (or any other kind ;).  I do know that my firewall reports that "Squeak.exe" wishes to access the net as a client when I do any client stuff, like using Scamper.

Is it possible from within a "standard" Squeak image (with a "standard" VM) to present a network request through a firewall in the name of a particular Squeak "subsystem" (in this case, my app), so that a nervous user can instruct his/her firewall to permit my app to access the net, but not other parts of the Squeak image?

Does my question make any sense? ;)

Cheers, Paul

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