Debug it mysteries

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Fri Apr 25 00:18:11 UTC 2003

> If I'm evaluating code in a workspace why isn't the
> object in which the code I'm evaluating an instance of
> some kind of workspace class (e.g.- TempWorkspace,
> perhaps)? As opposed to an instance of the class
> UndefinedObject? 

Just an arbitrary choice. You can actually change it by adding a method


> Why is the method called #DoIt rather than #debugIt if
> even though I've invoked it via the debug it menu
> item?

Because #DoIt is the generic name for all of the "temporary methods" - it
allows Squeak to do some housekeeping regardless of whether you invoked the
method by using "do it", or "print it", or "debug it".

> On the subject of names, why does the method DoIt not
> follow the SmallTalk convention of beginning methods
> with lower case letters?

A deliberately chosen violation in order to make the possibility of
conflicts smaller. If you "live by the rules" then your method will be
called #doIt (check it out - there *are* methods called #doIt) and so the
temporary method won't conflict with them.

> As well, if the canonical way of printing is
> Class>>method  what does the next statement mean? []
> in TextMorphEditor(ParagraphEditor)>>debug:receiver:in:

The [] says "I am within a block" (a code section that has no method name);
in order to show you something the debugger tells you that it is "within a
block defined within #debug:receiver:in:".

> Is "[] in TextMorphEditor(ParagraphEditor)" a class?
> Or does "[]" represent a class (an generic block
> perhaps) located in some kind of TextMorphEditor
> class? 

It's just a block. The "canonical" way to represent this might be something
	"a Block defined in TextMorphEditor..."
but it's very verbose and "[]" gives you essentially the same information
(well, if you know how to interpret it ;-)

  - Andreas

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