Viewing Failures in sUnit's TestRunner

Anthony Adachi adachipro at
Sat Apr 26 18:03:05 UTC 2003

--- Ken Causey <ken at> wrote:
> When you get the debugging window for a SUnit
> assertion failure or
> whatever hit the Proceed button.  You will then get
> another debugging
> window for the actual error that should provide all
> the debugging
> facilities you need.

Ah, I see now! Before, I was clicking on the list in
the debugging window or the Debug button.

Isn't there a method in sUnit, like in jUnit, where
one can pass in the expected an object/value and
actual results? 

e.g.- from jUnit's Assert class:
static public void assertEquals(String message, Object
expected, Object actual)

Right now, with sUnit, I'm including passing such info
in the asset description parameter. However, that
basically requires me to write the same expressions
twice. As in below, for instance...

self assert: (fish shout) = 'shouting' description: ( 
'expected: shouting was:', (fish shout))





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