Viewing Failures in sUnit's TestRunner

Anthony Adachi adachipro at
Tue Apr 29 00:18:50 UTC 2003

Bryce Kampjes <bryce at wrote:

> Sometimes I stuff values into variables so they are
> easy to access in
> the debugger. Any variable can be easily displayed
> and inspected.

That's a good solution. Thanks for the tip. 

> Being able to use inspectors and
> explorers is wonderful
> with complex structures.

Yes, it is great but I was hoping sUnit would offer
some kind of interface similar to other xUnits, like
jUnit. In which one can see a summary of the actual
and expected results of  failed tests. As this could
save a lot of clicking in case where one can deduce
why the test failed upon one glance of this kind of data.

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