Anyone ever used PrintJobPlugin?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Thu Aug 7 20:59:14 UTC 2003


> I think in Squeak we should stick to the PostScript convention, 72 
> points per inch. The platform plugin can then figure out what to do.

Only if we use floats. There are plenty of situations in which you want to
be able to print at higher resolutions (do I need to remind you that we have
200dpi screens these days?) so sticking to 72 is only going to work with
fractional measures. Mind you I am not really interested to use PJP only for
printing forms or EPS in the long term - I want to use it for some more
general things and 72 dpi is simply not enough granularity on a printer.

> > I would _really_ want to have this. If nothing else, you 
> > could report a pseudo page size up to the ST side and then
> > use this as a basis for any further operations.
> How about parsing PPDs? Should be easy enough to construct a 
> Squeak UI from them.

What's a PPD?

  - Andreas

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