[ANN] Whisker++ V2 on SqueakMap

rrobbes rrobbes at etu.info.unicaen.fr
Mon Aug 11 13:31:12 UTC 2003

Hi Doug, 

>One minor thing I ran into while filing in your changes is that it only
>lists Whisker and BrowseUnit as prerequisites, but it appears to also
>need the Refactoring Browser package (there are references to classes
>Refactoring and RBParser). Which makes sense because you talk about
>adding refactoring items to menus... but you should probably list it as
>another prerequisite.

oups ... fixed ! 

> Cool! I had originally thought I might have automatic refreshing for
> the class/category hierarchies too, but I think performance might be a
> problem, especially with the large Class Hierarchy on the lower left...
> so I just have the "update" menu items for those. But the automatic
> refreshing works nicely with individual methods.

> Maybe I could get that particular fix from you and incorporate it into
> the regular Whisker package. The other RefactoringBrowser/BrowseUnit
> stuff kind of makes sense to keep in your separate package.

Yes, i'll try to isolate it and send it back to you 

> (Hmm, another problem I just noticed with your package loaded is that
> the vertical ordering of the methods isn't sorted by the selections in
> the class pane anymore.)

Hmmm, I think I modified this method when I tried to make a Method
automatically adding it's test pane, as I was trying to position them
near each other. Since then I proceeded otherwise, but I might not
have reverted all changes. 

> I have a directory of changesets with that cleanup plus some
> bug fixes submitted by other people here:

Fine ! does one of them solve the problem with the Type Collector
when one Instance Variable is a Bag (I guess I am the only one
in the world to use sometimes a Bag :-) ). 


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