SystemNavigation and deprecated methods

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Mon Aug 11 23:18:31 UTC 2003

Hi Guys,

I was just browsing over all the senders of #deprecatedExplanation: to see
what kind of things have changed and there were a few oddities that I

First of all, given that SystemNavigation is stateless, wouldn't it make a
lot of sense to have a global called "SystemNavigator" or somesuch which you
can send the appropriate queries to? E.g., it's somehow terribly
inconvenient having to write "SystemNavigation new doSomething"
(SystemNavigation>>uniqueInstance or SystemNavigation>>default are no
better). It seems to me that having this global is really not taking away
anything but makes the functionality of SystemNavigation readily and
conveniently available.

Secondly, some of the deprecated methods I think shouldn't be deprecated at
all - most importantly those that refer to finding references to some symbol
in the scope of some class. If I want to know something about a specific
class (such as if it sends a selector, reads or writes a variable) it seems
very natural to me to ask that class about it rather than some third party
(which has a very intrusive, non-OO feel; just like poking around blindly;
really what does SystemNavigation know about B3DHardwareEngine?). It seems
to me that most of the methods involved here really ought to be extension
methods provided by SystemNavigation.


  - Andreas

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