Moving BFAV traffic off of squeak-dev short-term (was Re: BFAV email prefix?)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Tue Aug 12 10:26:58 UTC 2003

> Don't you think a daily summary would suffice to keep the wider 
> community informed? Like "
> From: Harvesting News Bot
> Subject: [HOT] New stuff on the harvesting front
> Please join the efforts to improve Squeak over at the harvest list!
> Today's topics:
> [FIX] Make CoffeeMaker respect import restrictions (F.O'Reigner)
> [ENH] CoffeeMaker now supports both sugar and cream (R. 
> Sweety, 1 reply)
> [BUG] CoffeeMaker default does not add water (A. McOffee, 3 replies)

Hm ... this raises the issue of where to post these bugs, fixes, or
enhancements initially. It seems to me that a large portion of discussions
here on Squeak-dev is driven by such topics and I am not at all sure if we
want to split things in a way that some discussions are going to happen on
Squeak-dev and some on Squeak-bugs.

More generally, I think that the only "annoying posts" are those that either
briefly review/test something (e.g., "[er][et] looks good"), and those which
finalize an open issue ([closed], [approved], [update] etc). And those
happen to be 90% of them.

So perhaps Squeak-bugs should be seen as a maintenance list where these
things get posted and archived for people to review and check the status of
things. In fact, it may not even have any public subscribers if BFAV gets
the messages directly ;-)

I would then probably leave it up to the people posting the reviews and
comments to decide whether this is a "maintenance" post (being sent to
Squeak-bugs) or whether this is a "discussion" post requiring further
investigation (and thus being sent to Squeak-dev, or both). With the default
probably being a maintenance post (given the current usage patterns of

  - Andreas

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