license stuff

Doug Way dway at
Wed Aug 13 16:40:41 UTC 2003

Daniel Vainsencher wrote:

>I am meeting a lawyer tommorrow. He works for/with the local OS/FS
>association, and I'm going to get an opinion about sublicensing Squeak
>in a DFSG compliant manner.

Don't forget to also ask about sublicensing Squeak in an OSI-compliant 
manner as well.  I believe these were the two main things we were hoping 
to achieve by sublicensing?  (Along with simplifying the license as much 
as possible, I guess.)

If I remember right, the export clause was the problem for DFSG 
compliance, and the Apple indemnification clause was the problem for OSI 
compliance?  Or vice versa.  Anyway, perhaps you already know this.

>First meeting is free of charge, further work would require fees. Any
>suggestions/ideas/requests welcome. 

Thanks for working on this, btw. :-)

- Doug

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